Top 10 Reasons to have your extended family photo session at home

Advantages include:

  1. No travel or traffic stress
  2. Don’t have to worry about crowds at your location
  3. Instant access to snacks, diapers or outfit changes for the kids
  4. Lots of chances to play in your yard – throw leaves, climb trees, and dance around
  5. Also if the kids need a break, they can play nearby while other family members get their turn in front of the camera
  6. Easy for social distancing (I’m always masked and keeping my distance)
  7. Kids are more comfortable on their home turf
  8. Inspiration and deadline to clean up your backyard and front porch 😉
  9. It’s unique – no one else is getting their photos taken at your house
  10. Excuse to buy some cute new plants or holiday decorations for your yard (optional)

It was a treat to hang out in this extended family’s yard and document how much fun they have together, even in quarantine times.

Please enjoy some of my favorite pictures from this extended family’s portrait session below. Full gallery (password protected) available HERE.