I met up with this family and their sweet dog for a downtown family photo session. We started at the Seaholm Power Plant. Then we explored our way around the Butterfly Bridge and Central Library block.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these sneak peeks from their family photo session downtown. To see all the (password protected) images, visit their gallery HERE.

1. How do you know Stephanie Friedman Photography?

Friend’s referral

2. What was your favorite part of your photo session?

The organization! I loved that during this hectic time I didn’t have to worry about logistics. Stephanie had it all covered and was a benevolent director of the entire experience for my “all over the place” family and dog.

3. What advice would you give to other families planning a photo session?

Just read what Stephanie sends you and try not to overthink anything. If you’re like me take this short time to be in the moment and just enjoy your family. Let the professional give directions for a change. Your kid(s) will listen to a pro better anyway, right? Mine kind of did… and when my daughter or dog were all over the place it may have provided the most real content to capture.

4. Anything else you’d like to add?

Bring treats for your dog… And if your kid/dog are easily distracted, use the fart machine.

If you’d like to book your own family photo session next year, please contact me below: