brothers in wildflowers at St. Edwards Park in Austin in Spring 2019

What does the promise of a trip to the Arcade get you? 

Cooperative children for 30 minutes in the beautiful fields of wildflowers at St. Edwards Park in Austin this Spring.

brothers in wildflowers at St. Edwards Park in Austin in Spring 2019

This year has been so glorious for wildflowers (the best one in the last 10 years), and when I saw this field of flowers popping up online and then went on a hike by myself to scout – I raced home, got the kids dressed and told them we could go to Pinballz if they’d pose for some shots.

St. Edwards Park was already one of my favorite spots for family photos, but this Spring it really took the top honors for favorite Austin location.

Dodging sticky burrs, we explored the horsemint (the purple ones), the Mexican hat (the yellow ones) and Indian blanket  flowers (the red and yellow ones). If you want to see what will continue to bloom for the next few months (heat notwithstanding) – check out the Wildflower Center’s bloom chart.

Later that weekend, the boys were interested in helping me edit their pictures.

Though if you let an 8 year old boy in Photoshop, be warned for what he might create:

Potty humor aside, they were really good sports during our location scouting.

So, Arcade achievement unlocked. And a few days later, I made good on my promise.

ps. Thanks to Max for taking the photo of me in the wildflowers below